5 February 2010

Links of the week: Yakuza 3 and Bayonetta. Push it, Push it!

'Sup Bitches! How were the exams weeks for you? Who cares? I don't! I've brought some new videos: the first one is a trailer for the upcoming Yakuza3 (Woooot!) and the last one is from Bayonetta but all of them are quite musical, enjoy! ;-)

Yakuza 3 is the most awaited sequel for both Japan and beat 'em up lovers. Sega wants to remind us that it's coming out soon while they demonstrate that this iteration of the franchise won't lack violence, humor or style (three of the most important things in the life of any gamer). 

If the music has you wanting MOAR of it here you have the videoclip of it. WARNING! it may bring strange albeit pleasurable thoughts to your dirty little minds so handle with care (lol HAND-le).

Apart from the new trailer, I'd like to show you this interesting video from Bayonetta. 

Stay healthy and good luck with your test results (academic and health-related)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want the song just ask for it on the comments with a mail address and I'll contact you.