28 June 2011

Quick plays: Proun and Battlefield bad company 2

Hey there, I just wanted to do a quick post about some cool stuff I've come across lately, and it's ALL about them games!
1. Proun is game where you race on a cylindric wire, avoiding obstacles and using boosts to win. The game has beautiful yet simple geometry and some "cool vive" jazz music. 

As it is an indie project made (over the span of six years) in his free time, Dutch creator Joost van Dongen has released it for the low price of "whatever you want to pay".

I definitely think this is worth a play so check it out.


Recently a friend of mine bought me a copy of Battlefield Bad Company 2 for the PC.
My old-ass machine runs it on super low settings but not so fast & smooth so I've stuck to the single player campaign and these are my reactions:
I know the multiplayer's where the fun's at but at least make it funny or lighthearted: The main characters are serious and bland, the lines that enemies sprout are unappealing and repetitive. I don't feel I am doing any good there, just following lengthy directions in a story I don't believe or care about.

 I think a good idea would be to let the player decide if he wants to play the campaign by the story or not and offer a version in which NPC's talk to you, THE PLAYER as people explaining the next section like: "Now you'll face enemies with rocket launchers and a couple of vehicles. Good luck!" and a brief analysis of your performance (time/bullets fired/hits/headshots/...) in between sections, like the "time attack mode" in some arcade games.

With that said, the ability to destroy walls and flank the enemies that way is pretty cool, there are some original missions and the sound of most weapons is rewarding.

I can't wait to play some more SP and possibly MP when my new gig arrives!

That's it so far, see ya in the comments!

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