6 March 2010

Portal 2 Anounced will have co-op Multiplayer

Recent news at Valve! Portal 2 is announced!
Bits of information carefully encrypted by Valve lead to co-op speculation:

On monday this week, Portal was updated with lots of new radio transmitters related secrets and a slight change in the end of the ending. It was thought of as a teaser for Portal 2's incoming announcement and then BANG!

As you may have, many realized that the Portal 2 announcement page on steam had the letters drattmannh0nee underlined on it. Many went through various iterations to discover what was under that (since it has been a week full of "secret" announcements from Valve).The two upper DOS-looking pictures were found so far.

The first Portal was, for me, one of the most compelling game experiences of all year 2008 (Shame on me, I played it a year late) it was original, it was funny, it was scary and it had more personality than any other game in recent memory had.

-Kotaku has got Spoiler-filled details on Portal 2's story and gameinformer has revealed his april frontpage to be all about Portal 2.

-Confirmed Cooperative Multiplayer and the return of GLaDOS source.

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